Friday, May 4, 2012

Generous Posture

In the last few weeks I've met with a number of people who have been very generous to me.  Each of them approaches life with a generous posture.  They are leaning into life's conversation, listening for their cue, the chance to be generous in sharing the gifts they've been given with another in need of those gifts. 

Generous people ask how they can serve you. Then, if they are able, they help.

Good questions generous people have asked me:
  • How can I serve you?
  • How can I be praying for you?
  • What can I do for you?
  • Are you carrying a burden I can help you shoulder?
It's difficult to express fully the weight that is lifted off my shoulders when I feel that someone is pulling for me.  It brings a smile to my face, and thanks to my heart.  Challenges ahead seem less daunting and hope clears away the fog of doubt. When generous people lean into our lives, we remember that we're not alone.

Do you have a generous posture?  Do you sink into life as if it's a couch, lost in your own world of needs and wants? Would you be a person who leans on the edge of your seat looking for the opportunity to bring the best of your life forward to bless another? Generosity takes practice.  Why not practice a generous posture today?

Question: When was the last time you approached another person with a generous posture?  I'd love to hear about it.  Simply leave me a comment below.

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